After a much-publicized fallout, comedians Kapil Sharma and Sunil Grover are set to collaborate once again for a new comedy show on Netflix, marking their reunion after a six-year hiatus. The two actors, known for their popular stints on “Comedy Nights with Kapil” and “The Kapil Sharma Show,” recently appeared in a promo for the upcoming show, confirming their return to the screen together. The show, which also features the original cast members Rajiv Thakur, Kiku Sharda, Krushna Abhishek, and Archana Puran Singh, aims to bring back the familiar humor and camaraderie that the duo is renowned for.
The reunion comes after a well-documented feud that began in 2017 following an altercation between the two during a flight from Australia. However, recent social media posts and promotional materials have indicated that the two have reconciled and are ready to entertain audiences once again. The news has been met with excitement from fans and celebrities alike, with many expressing their anticipation for the upcoming show.
The details of the new show, including its title and release date, are yet to be announced. However, the prospect of seeing Kapil and Sunil back together on screen has already generated significant buzz and anticipation among their fans. Stay tuned for more updates on this highly-anticipated reunion!